Analyze the disk image stack

import astro3d
from astro3d import image_stack

Read the image stack

We again need to set the printer-specific settings and the directory of the slides:

stack = image_stack.IStack(
    dpi_x=600, dpi_y=300, dz=27e-4,


Show the distribution of materials

f, ax = stack.show_counts()

Show a histogram of the columns that are not fully transparent

f, ax = stack.show_histogram()

Show fully transparent pixels and the density distribution.

f, ax = stack.show_transparency_estimate()

Top view

stack.show_top_view(bg=[255] * 3)
(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:>)

Careful: this takes around 10 minutes

#f, ax = stack.three_views()
#f.savefig('perspectives.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)